TIL After a composer released a song that was just 60 seconds of silence, he was sued by the estate of a man who had released a similar track, called 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence. His defense was, "I have been able to say in one minute what he could only say in four minutes and 33 seconds"

This made me curious to check him out, because I think as a general rule anything "avant garde" is almost guaranteed to suck. Pretending that a track of pure silence is a composition just smacks of prioritizing trendiness above being aesthetically pleasing, intellectually stimulating, or interesting in any way, much like an artist trying to sell a blank canvas as a painting. It's not about being creative; it's about finding an audience pretentious enough to pretend to appreciate genius nobody else can see because it isn't actually there.

But I thought, what the hell, why not look up some of his music with actual sounds and give it a try. However, I was unable to find a track that doesn't sound like a wild animal got loose in a piano or band room and made a senseless ruckus. Did the man compose any actual music? If not, then why not reduce him to "a man"? What does it matter if he influenced a bunch of other people who want to play at making annoying noises?

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - cnn.com