TIL after Nicole van den Hurk's death, her stepbrother falsely confessed to the killing in order to get her body exhumed for DNA tests, leading to the arrest and prosecution of her real attacker

I’ve been a rape victim multiple times, so while I appreciate a strong reaction, I have seen cases that aren’t black and white imo. There were some mitigating factors on the early rapes I experienced because these boys were, children, very uneducated children. We had no sexual education growing up in Texas, basically anti-sex education, a rape-tolerant culture, a misogynist culture, and we were not taught consent in schools. Very unlikely the family teaches consent in Texas either. Should the boy who lost his virginity to my passed out ass be convicted of something? Probably, but I don’t know that I would have wanted him to get locked up forever. His mother though, witnessed the event and had him carry me downstairs and throw me out of the house, naked, because I was too intoxicated to be able to walk or walk down a staircase and she wanted the girl out of her house. I’d be fine with zero tolerance for her, the adult in the room. I think he needed some serious education and rehab, but I truly believe he would have been safe in society, as he took 100% responsibility, apologized, and I really do believe he understands what he did wrong. With a mother and society like his, I don’t think he had a chance to do the right thing until he was old enough to educate himself.

I have one more case from people in my life that’s fairly unclear. At 18 I was pimped out by a 30 year old man. He had a few other young women he was doing the same thing to. He was having sex with all of us, and i would call it consensual most of the time. He played the boyfriend, that was his MO. One night (I was not present so this is second hand info) the pimp, my former best friend (his “main” girlfriend), and another girl got high on stimulants and he orchestrated a threesome. My friend is not attracted to other women at all and she didn’t want to have a threesome. The other girl was bisexual and was enthusiastic about the threesome. Without the pimp’s encouragement, the girl probably would not have raped my friend. With the pimp’s repeated encouragement, apparently he was no taking no for an answer, the girl gave my best friend oral sex. My best friend consented to all the other sex activities that night but not that. She consented to sex with the pimp. The other girl should have known better (being recently raped repeatedly herself, although those rapes looked very different) and would have probably not been beaten if she refused to do sexual things to my friend. Is that rape? I’ve always told my friend yes. She doesn’t want that girl going to prison either. Neither of us have ever been able to wrap our heads around if that could possibly even be called a crime on the girl’s part, or if the pimp was the only responsible rapist.

And of course, I know you’re just making a strong expression, but I’ve never been supportive of rape as a punishment, even for rapists or rape apologists

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org