TIL that Ahmed Best, the actor who played Jar-Jar Binks, considered suicide after the backlash and hatred for the character

His struggle were strangers coming up to him and telling him that he ruined their childhood. To be harassed like that for years is going to wreak havoc on anyone's emotional well being.

Really? People who have had their childhoods ruined by a fucking character they didn't like from a movie have their own problems to deal with. This guy is a complete unknown, he could walk down any street in Hollywood without getting so much as a selfie request so I find it rather interesting that he would be harassed on a daily basis at a time the internet was barely in people's homes when he first began playing the character.

Honestly your comment is so simplistic and dismissive that is it beyond idiotic, you should be ashamed.

I'm not. Come down from your holier than thou outraged high horse and grow up.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - independent.co.uk