TIL that American ice cream company Häagen-Dazs sued American ice cream company Frusen Glädjé to stop them from using a "Scandinavian marketing theme". The court ruled against Häagen-Dazs as they had also marketed themselves as Scandinavian without having any real connection to the region.

Do you have anything to say about the quality of my argument or are you just going to dance around it to avoid accountability for your thoughts?

If you’re honestly not trying to be a troll, then please enlighten me. I’m curious. Tell me why Superman is the worst instead of saying he is, followed by “come at me”. That’s not an argument. If you’re an adult, you should know that every argument has a thesis and a body with evidence. You gave me a thesis as weak and limp as Giuliani’s dick, and prompted a negative response like a douche.

I’m not even a Superman fan. I’ve always cared far more about Batman. I don’t find Superman as nearly compelling or as complex or as interesting. I just think it’s wrong to improperly denigrate a character on unspecified and likely gratuitous grounds, especially when that character has the significance he/she does.

At the end of the day, how the fuck are you going to tell me a character that generates billions per year just from his IP should be relegated back to the 50s/60s? That makes zero sense from a business perspective, forget about everything else.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org