TIL American Police killed more people in March (111) than the entire UK police have killed since 1900

A few examples: claiming he came to the townhouse i split with 3 other students and i wasnt there-- every time this was brought up i had to get my house mates to sign a statement that i was in fact there or that i was at work (whichever was the case that instance); there was always at least 1 person at the house.

This was all part of his apparent strategy to get me thrown in jail. Other things he did: made appointments places i couldnt possibly reach as public transportation didnt go there and i didnt drive. This forced me to miss work and classes multiple times so i could walk up to 1 hr to make them.

One day i was really sick and called the thrift shop i was doing community service for to let them know. He claimed i flagrantly skipped and had done so before-- this one was the supposed last straw where i almost ended up in jail. Luckily i got to speak with his supervisor and she verified everything i was saying with both my house mates, employer, and the thrift shop manager.

Within a month of this i had a new probation officer, but it didn't matter because all of the interference had soured my relationships with my employer and my house mates.

My probation ended 2 months after my meeting his supervisor. I decided to move home, where i proceeded to struggle finding a job simply because i had been on probation.

Oh yeah he made me do drug tests every 2 weeks. For a year. My charge was not drug related and i'd never even been accused of drug use, much less had a record for it.

Also, also: i had been given permission by the judge to go to my home county for holidays. He always found some way to deny that, so i didn't get to go home for a year.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - m.dailykos.com