TIL An outbreak of Syphilis caused a surge in Wigmaking. Wigs covered up baldness and head sores caused by Syphilis. Powdered Wigs were popular because the powder contained lavender or orange, to cover up bad smells.

Imagine a time before deoderant and indoor plumbing so baths themselves were rare. I honestly believe the worst possible part of time travel to the past would be the smell.

Perfumes used to be more prevalent for this very reason. It was seen as necessary to cover up the unpleasantness.

Sales of perfume and cologne have declined by half since 2000. Though of course nowadays any body fragrances are likely to come from our choices of deodorant or body wash, so it's not like artificial scents have gone away.

Plus nowadays it seems like we're more attuned to the problems heavy fragrance can cause to people with respiratory problems or allergies. Seems like the stereotypical "woman in the office who wears way too much perfume" is always from an older generation.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - mentalfloss.com