TIL Ariana Grande grew up wealthy. Both her parents were rich corporate bosses, with their notoriety helping her get early gigs performing with orchestras and on cruise ships.

That guy is clearly incredibly talented, but has zero taste. Completely inappropriate changes in dynamics (where the mic technique also gets a bit wonky sometimes - eg when he kisses the mic or pulls it towards his mouth as he gets louder), the runs seem like they belong in a different song, and his overall delivery just seems inauthentic. I do not get the feeling from his interpretation that this is a song about being alone, I get the feeling that this is a song about showing off as much as humanly possible. The vocal delivery is completely unsuited to the lyrical material.

That's not to say that he doesn't have an incredible amount of ability, technique, and control over his voice. He does, but he would do well to think a bit more about how to make sure his voice is more sympathetic to the material. He clearly has the ability to do that.

I am not trying to shit all over him - make no mistake, this guy is seriously talented. When I'm criticising him, it's not the same kind of criticism I would give to an amateur doing karaoke. He's on a very high level in terms of ability - I'm looking at him as being on that level, and then saying here's what he could do to improve.

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