TIL the Aztecs followed Spaniards around with incense burners when they came to the Americas. The Spaniards believed this to be a divine honour, however it was actually a necessity due to the wide gap in hygiene between the two peoples. The Aztec found their stench unbearable.

2) The aztecs had a kind of soap, nevertheless, you dont need soap to bathe, specially when there was plenty of clean water in Tenochtitlan.

the wanter was not clean, they pooped directly into into the wanter they drank from.

the wanter was also stagnant because it was a lake, and a fairly shallow won at places, and with all the building calming waves, mosquitoes where rampant.

3) You're right, the spaniards were not only technologicaly superior, but brought a lot of diseases with them, this doesn't mean aztecs were weaklings, Cortes was defeated once, and had to siege Tenochtitlan and capture their gobernor to break the morale of the aztecs.

The diseases wiped out close to 85% of native americans. without the plagues they never would have been colonized the way they where.

they could have fought back much more effectively with a greater potation.

4) There are several chronicles, some of them come from the spaniards, they kept a record for the catholical kings, in fact this is how we were able to rebuild in mock-ups and models the greatness of Tenochtitlan, that's how we know the colors the piramids were painted, other chronicles come from the monks responsible from evangelizing and educating the indigenous people.

this has nothing to do with it, i was referring to how it was odd that the spaniards would refer to themselves as stinky.

its the same reasons the saying "don't trust greeks bearing gifts" was originally in latin.

Finally, the article cites references to spain, whereas the link you provided offers a general view in europe.

it does deprive this once a year bathing myth this so prevalent.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - mexicolore.co.uk