TIL the bird Americans call a "turkey" is called an India in Turkey, and a Peru in Portugese.

English speakers call turkey "turkey" because it was similar to the Guineafowl which was already being imported to England by the 'Turkey Company' and was called Turkey Cock, this new fowl got the extra unique name 'Turkey Fowl' which was shortened to Turkey. The Irish call a Turkey a 'turcaí' because that's as close to English as Irish people can speak The Welsh say twrci for similar reasons. The Turks call turkey "hindi" because THEY got their turkey from Indian merchants, carrying on the torch of naming shit from the guy you got it from. Frech people call Turkey "Dinde", which comes from 'poulet d'Inde' meaning 'Chicken of India' Hebrews and Russians "indük" or "индейка", also referring to India The Dutch, much like everyone else, also named it from the merchants, calling the bird "kalkoen" but were waaay more anal about it, referring specifically to Calicut. The Danish, Estonians, and Norwegians followed the Swedes and call it a "kalkun", also referring to Calicut. The Finnish however, went with the entirely diffent "kalkkuna" In Indonesia, they use the word "kalkun" which is taken from the Dutch's spelling. Cambodians use the term moan barang (មាន់បារាំង), which means French Chicken, because France was synonomyous with the West for a long time. In Croatian and in Slovene it is called puran, derived from the Italian peruano, meaning "Peruvian" In Malay, it is known as "ayam Belanda", literally "Dutch chicken". In Vietnamese, it is called gà tây, meaning "Western chicken" Arabs and Lebanese call it "deek roomi" which means "Roman rooster" (in some languages roman usually means all europe) or "habash" which also means Ethiopian. Germany, as usual nameing things like a 4 year old, named it "Truthahn" because it makes a trumpet like sound (Trut, think toot) and hahn means cock. So, Trumpet Cock or Toot Cock. China calls the Turkey a 'Fire Chicken' Japan and Korea both refer to the turkey as the Seven Face Bird in their respective dialects, referring to the turkey's ability to change the colors in its face based on its various emotions, the male in particular. This makes it appear to have many apparences. A mistaken origin for the name is that it refers to the bird's many names. Portuguese and Brazilians call the bird "Peru" The Indians call it Piru, using it as a loan word, possibly also naming it after the merchant who sold it. American Natives unsurprisingly didn't mistake it for any country because they fucking didn't buy it from anyone and kill it themselves because it came from where they god damn lived. Mexicans and Peruvians call it Guajolote because it's the Spanish mispronunciation of the Aztec word "Huehxolotl" which means big monster because the bird is big and fucking looks weird.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org