TIL British English is the official version of English used by the UN. This means that all UN communications produced in English must be produced in British English using Oxford Spelling.

What makes your version of English not simplified? Is it because you spell color as colour, et cetera? If you were a writer who’s been published since one, as you stated, you’d probably know the etymology of these words. Color is spelled as it was in Old French, it’s the same with other similar Latin based words ending in -or. Is using the Etruscan based word Autumn considered more complicated than the Old English based Fall, which stems from fællan? Using the z spelling in realize is older than spelling it as realise. So what makes American English simplified? The only simpleness here is your inability to come up with a better insult than one you’ve seen a million times on Reddit and elsewhere.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org