TIL the British Library must store one copy of every single book published in the UK and Ireland. It houses over 200,000,000 publications, adds 6 miles (9.65 km) of new shelf space a year, and receives over 8000 new publications each day

This is such a waste of resources. Why do we still have libraries? Animals being bros, I totally get it, so cute. But libraries? Cut the shit already ya damn pansies. Put a pair of pants on an grow the fuck up. When was the last time you went to a library? Wtf seriously? Why do we knee jerk react to this library bullshit still? We don’t need no stinking libraries anymore. Fuck outta here. Do I gotta mention google and that everything is digital and point out how obviously fucking dumb this is? Ya I do bc every shoots their load for a fucking library as if we were living in the Stone Age riding hellscape Holocaust like trains work camp of manhattan and killing anyone who said this wasn’t the best city in the world. Why is everyone lying all the fucking god damn time! I can’t get out of this fucking cult, it’s fucking everywhere, everyone is fucking infected, the sheep fucking! FUCK YOU sheep! Stop patting yourself on the back you’re all fucking psychotic morons.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org