TIL: Canada's GDP is larger than Russia's, despite the Canadian population being almost four times smaller than Russia's [added the USA for good measure]

verify content for yourself. there is no entity i trust to deliver me the truth on every subject. i have several news sources with opposing political leanings and i generally come away from stories with a rounded view. snopes/politifact/splc are all trash political organizations and should be ignored. any organization that has as its goal setting the facts straight is going to be co-opted by political forces seeking to guide public thought. the last people that you want to trust are the people saying that only they are telling the truth. my method is to soak in all the information i can, and wait a few days for the outrage mob to move on before i pass judgement on any one story. the mob is retarded, sleuths take time to figure out what is actually going on.

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