TIL Catacomb saints are skeletons exhumed from Roman catacombs and decorated with gold and jewels to serve as "replacement relics" for those destroyed during the Protestant Reformation. It is unlikely that any of those skeletons are actually of the people they are reputed by tradition to be.

I went here some years back. Very strange place. Not strange as in disrespectful strange but really like nothing I’d ever seen. Finding it is quite difficult as it’s literally a door then a smallish reception room right next to a supermarket and other stores along some high street. You pay and walk down a load of stairs and there are signs everywhere to not take any bones. When you get down there there are bones upon bones. Just thousands all stacked up and they go pretty far back. Some believe the entrance to hell is in there and some of it is like totally out of bounds. At the end there’s like a basket thing that asks you to put any bones back that you might have taken. I’d really recommend it if anyone is in or planning on going to Paris

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - smithsonianmag.com