TIL: Church leaders liked cursing people. Like, hexing them via prayer, magic signs and priesthood. I wonder if they still do it?

the mother knows exactly my position so it's not a secret. We already discussed that there is no way that our kids get baptized before they are 18. She understands how the church messes up a child's mind.

My parents though, live in a happy fairy land. There the church would never do any harm to anyone, god protects everyone and no one who is righteous could ever die unless god wants him back. They would be really shocked about the stuff I tell my kids because they don't believe in History. Only ghosts and fairy tales.

I do tell my daughter that some people believe in this stuff. She doesn't judge them. We were discussing after all, how the prophet tries to enforce bigotry within the church and how members are deceived. How can I stand there and do nothing about it when I know that at Church the kids walk in a circle and sing "Follow the prophet".

I am simply telling her the truth. I grew up in a cult and know what it means growing up and getting told that I am not good enough, that god is out there judging me, that demons are fucking visiting me at night and that I need to protect myself.

My daughter is more ground to earth at 6 years of age, than I was at 17.

Getting told all this weird shit is what really messes with a child's mind. I tell the kids the truth how the church was founded. My life got damaged because of it and I will protect my children in any way I can.

If your wife decides to join some weird ass suicide cult and takes your kids there, would you not undermine her position on this? Just because this specific cult is called Mormonism it doesn't make it right.

It's not a simple religion. I was the only Mormon at school when I grew up and it wasn't fun at all.

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