TIL that convicted murderer Philip Workman declined a last meal, instead requesting that a large vegetarian pizza be given to a homeless person in Nashville. His request was refused, but in response, people all over the state donated pizzas to homeless shelters.

I will never understand this argument that we make other creatures suffer, and thus we are morally reprehensible. It is probably owed to my specialization in the nervous system. These livestock creatures certainly suffer from stress and pain, but their nervous systems, and mental function, in no way approximates that of a humanbeing on a tertiary level. You are projecting your reality, experiences, and emotions unto a mammal that in no way reliably experiences these emotions in a similar way. I'm not making shit up. Many people far smarter than you or I have dedicated their lives to appreciating this (discrepancy in perception)[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umwelt]. You're sense of terror and dread is not a pigs sense of terror and dread, you cannot relate to the these other animals. You feel like they are suffering, and though they are certainly stressed, this is not human stress, and they in no way approximate the human form of "suffering." Pain is perhaps a sensation shared amongst less complex vertebrates, but it's appreciation is subjective. You cannot assume you have any approximation of how that animal is feeling, because you interpret such emotions through a neurologically complex cortex that enables self-awareness, and that make's the subject animal's experience completely alien to you. If you chose to regard their display of emotions in a human context, then you are disregarding the factual, profound, differences in our neurobiology. The animals that are consumed as live-stock have never, after rigorous study, proven to be self-aware. People love to call pigs smart, and they appreciate a dog's ability to regard a human's emotional state, but these endearing features do not reflect the fact that these creatures do not exist in a reality that is the same as your own. They fail the mirror test of self-recognition, they are not self-aware, and thus they function in a capacity that is incomprehensible to self-aware being. They are not human. They have memories and emotional states, and they can be emotionally sensitive, but all of these behavioral traits are taken out of context as soon as you apply your own semblance to them. They don't perceive emtions in a way you can comprehend, because they are not self-aware. They do not appreciate their own consciousness according to the most current scientific evidence. This is the element of human thought that gives our exestiance meaning. We still share our primitive limbic systems with pigs, dogs, and cows, but because this limbic system is usually subservient to a self-awareness guided by a cerebral cortex incomparable to other living organisms (don't tell me that dolphins are comparable, they aren't. We have visualized gravitational waves, clarified the geometric principles of electron orbits, established the theory of realitivity, traveled to the moon, engineered monoclonal antibody drugs to target cellular receptors, and have developed magnetic resonance imagine with diffusor tensor imaging that can map out the neural networks in the human brain that will guide microscopic surgery), our sense of fear, dread, and suffering is irreconcilably different from that of a pig or a dog. If it is morally reprehensible to consume lesser life forms for sustenance, cognizant life forms included, then the entire structure of the world's biology, and your own existence, has been predicated upon a cycle of energy expenditure and consumption that is rooted in immorality. That, or your are projecting your own emotions to an extent that confuses the reality of the exchange in caloric energy.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - metro.co.uk