TIL that a depressed Manchester teen used several fake online personas to convince his best friend to murder him, and after surviving the attack, he became the first person in UK history to be charged with inciting their own murder.

I think you know what I meant but I will explain because you're so smug, people misunderstand what it's like to be that depressed and resigned person and don't understand that clinically depressed people have little to no agency, that logic not always apply, that the opposite of depression is not feeling happy but being vital and active. And I believe it's completely false that most people who try to commit suicide immediately regret it, I've seen one too many suicide attempts and the people go to great lengths even in a state of pain to end their lives. And the many jumper videos when the person doesn't scream or struggle.
This thread is basically downplaying suicide and depression with a "once you're actually there you're magically cured", bringing up some examples of people getting adrenaline spike from some primal instinct that would go away as soon as they are back in square 1.
I also think many suicide survivors regret attempting it because through the attempt they finally receive some attention and care they needed, which is often lifetime drugs.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - vanityfair.com