TIL that you don't need surgery to correct scoliosis

Hey there. If it helps you at all I've been using an ab wheel and it's helped my scoliosis and back pain a lot by strengthening my transverse adominus or however you spell it, (lower ab).

I think it's worth trying. I bought a $60 one on Amazon which is sort of expensive but it's wide and has a few other features, and is well made.

The other thing I recommend to do for support is to lay on your back and hold your neck, most of the time you can gently pull your head forward to elongate the spine (hopefully that makes sense) and in conjunction with the abwheel I get more mobility in my spine from that, which the abwheel then helps stabilize with strengthening. Hope this can help.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - anneburlinson.hubpages.com