TIL during WWII, American POWs in Japan had a 40% chance of dying compared to American POWs in Germany who had a 1% chance of dying.

Lol, okay, literally nothing in my comment indicated dislike for the American people, because, you know, disliking a country (and I don't dislike America) isn't bigotry, so chill.

Plus everything you are shrilly accusing me of doing is present in your comments about the Japanese internment camps that the American government founded.

You literally ignored and or dismissed the suffering as "well all evil regimes do that", yet want to put the USA on the spotlight for something not even in the same league as horrid.

No, you were dismissing the suffering of the Japanese in interment camps in the USA as something that should NOT be focused on.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - time.com