TIL that even the Ku Klux Klan classifies the Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group; the KKK were one of the main counter protesters against the Church's anti-Memorial Day protests at the Arlington Cemetery, Virginia

I fail to see how that contradicted anything I said, it sounds like rhetoric my man. Do you have any stats or evidence to back up that mass shooters are beholden to a particular party? I get your point that religious extremists are more likely to go balls to the wall but from what I've seen the shootings don't really seem politically motivated, well at least it's not consistent enough to be. Obviously there are some but it's not like political shootings are consistent enough to be an epedemic, there's over 300 million people living in the U.S and given that a few insane nutters did this it's not bad numbers statistically. Obviously I'd prefer the number to be 0 but that's not realistic.

I personally think that batshit insane people do batshit insane things, the majority of republicans aren't shooting people up yet your original comment implies the party is to blame.

Also like I said, you could paint all people who practice Islam as Islamic extremists using your original logic. I know you're desperate for an enemy but try not to demonise and dehumanise others, practicing in the same behaviour as the shooters won't eradicate it.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - edition.cnn.com