TIL Fidel Castro was obsessed with ice cream, once consuming 18 scoops in one sitting. His love for ice cream inspired him to implement a fully fledged dairy industry in Cuba and he even opened his own ice cream parlor.

The U.S and Batista collaborated to destroy Cuba and oppress its people, Castro liberated Cuba from imperialism and brought fourth sweeping reforms that have economically helped Cubans.

Of course the U.S doesn’t want a decent example of socialism to occur right near the mainland so the CIA and every congressional session they find ways to fuck over Cuba so Americans can finally get the petty release of saying “hur durr socialism don’t work!” At the cost of Cuban lives to impose a neoliberal colonial state like Puerto Rico.

I wonder why Cuba gets so hated yet Vietnam is let off the hook? Maybe because the propaganda machine already likes Vietnam more than Cuba. Reddit will always have their 5 minutes of hate over CIA Propaganda.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - vice.com