TIL that the first evidence of dreadlocks is credited to Vedic scriptures of Indian origin

Dogs aren't the only animal, as I pointed out, they are just the readily available example that can be quickly seen since I'm guessing you're not going to run out into the forest looking for dreaded/matted animals. That said I am sure if you Google and research a bit more you could find plenty of examples of wild animals with matted fur and the understanding of how the length of hair matters when going from mats to dreadlocks.

Your understanding of the domestication of dogs also may be a bit off. They are not of human origin even if the current popular breeds are. Even so, just because we selectively bred them in modern times doesn't mean we made them. I wouldn't bring that up, but you are the one who decided to be that specific.
A bit of research on your part will also back up those facts.

So my question/observation stands, matted hair is normal to anything with hair that gets long enough, so unless you can prove dreadlocks are not just matted hair then they cannot possibly be of human origin since animals are not.

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