TIL that the first transgender American woman, Christine Jorgensen, had to travel to Denmark to perform sex change operation. She was an instant celebrity when she returned to New York in 1953, and jokes like "Christine Jorgensen went abroad, and came back a broad" didn't bother her

You ignore the fact that when minorities speak up/fight back against people making jokes about them or discriminating against them, a lot of times they end up getting physically hurt or the ones blamed in the end (e.g. if a group of people are violent towards a trans person and the trans person fights back and the police end up getting called, a lot of times the trans person is the one who gets in the most trouble, even though they were the victim. The justice system is extremely biased against minorities, particularly trans people). It's also absolutely exhausting to fight everyone whenever you're called a slur. You can't help it from hurting, like if a bunch of people started telling you you're horrifically ugly every day for your life (and not friends jokingly telling you you're ugly, people seriously telling you that) it's going to be really hard to stop it from hurting (at first, maybe you could write it off, but not for your entire life; it's going to effect your self-esteem), but you're not going to stop your life every time to fight them on it because you don't have the time or emotional energy to go through that fight all the time. Just every now and then, you'll snap and have to get it out, only to hear jackasses tell you to "take a joke" because "everyone finds everything offensive these days fucking sjws." And here's the main point: if you aren't a minority who's been discriminated against and had jokes made about their identity as a minority, you really don't have a place to talk, because you don't fucking know what it's like. If you don't know what you're talking about, if you haven't had this experience, shut the fuck up.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org