TIL forcing left-handed children to write with their right hands is not in any way innocuous or helpful- it is actually harmful to their developing brains and can result in dyslexia, stuttering and other learning or speech disorders.

Me too, but I was never corrected they just assumed I was right handed so so did I. I’m starting to think maybe I was meant to be left handed but was good enough with my right that they thought I just had shit fine motor skills. I do pretty much everything left handed except write, sports, holding things, using my phone, steadying myself when I fall.

I think I was just ambidextrous enough for it to have been an oversight that held me back academically in a way that was kinda disheartening, I felt like an idiot when they wouldn’t let me write with a pen when everyone else started and I had to go to occupational therapy, nothing wrong with that but people did make fun of those of us in OT.

Sorry for the paragraph reading this thread has just enforced my suspicions I was meant to be predominantly left handed and I’m glad I’ve found my people.

Also sorry those assholes forced you to do something that I know can lead to serious academic and self esteem issues, no idea why people are like that but fuck them.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org