TIL the founder of Chrysler's 14-year-old son hung a small watercolor landscape featuring an inch-high nude in his dorm room. His dorm master, believing that it was improper for a young man to display a picture of a nude woman, confiscated the picture and destroyed it. The painting was by Renoir.

Interesting point, funny how beating anyone's ass doesn't show up anywhere in the wiki page. I like how this pure nonsense gets upvoted because, most likely, it falls in the false realm of how people perceive these places are run. God only knows what was going on in that place. It could've been that it went against their number one rule of being ungentlemenly. Hell, they could have tortured him for being gay. Who knows though, a whole myriad of TV nonsense could be going on there. After all it happened back in the neanderthal times where people were stupid and evil. Also, he was 14 in 1925 but that's nitpicking.

You know why you couldn't get away with that now. Not because people are better but because we have a strong civil liability system. People can't just destroy something that may be worth money because they can expect to be taken to court.

I hate this shit. Someone spews nonsense that fits some false narrative and people just dog pile on it. It's pure confirmation bias.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org