TIL gastric bypass surgery significantly increases the risk of alcoholism. Cross-posted to r/stopdrinking

I had had the surgery and am a recently sober person. I didn't develop a drinking problem until about ten years later. I do realize though after AA etc. that just like the food the drink was a reward mentality.

I suspect the increased percentage has more to do with emotion and addictive personality traits as much or more than the physical part of it.

I had my surgery twenty years ago and it's hands down absolutely the best thing that ever happened to me and I've kept the weight off, stayed healthy.

My drinking was not a horror story like most people picture, it was more like having a drink before bed every night after working my ass off every day. But then even if the rare day came when I had a good day with no grueling schedule, I still wanted/needed a drink. I called it at that point.

So if this post does anything for anyone reading it, take this away. Gastric Bypass is a life changing thing, positive in every way. If you're on the fence thinking "great, so then I'll be skinny but an alcoholic." don't. It's not true.

If you were going to have a problem with drinking it would happen regardless.

Be aware that if you are heavy enough to consider a bypass, you've very likely got an addictive personality and need to always remember that just like an alcoholic that's been sober for decades still calls himself an alcoholic.

Hope this helps.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - healthland.time.com