TIL that German has a word for the weight you put on when you eat comfort food after a breakup, and it translates to "Grief bacon."

Some Other Weird German Words Apart from this

  1. Kohlensäure

I initally thought this must be some kind of German dinosaur like Kohlensaurus Rex but it just means bubbles. In your soda.

  1. Kunst

Sounds absolutely filthy, but it’s their word for art. You thus hear refined people say it all the time. Likewise a Kunsthalle is an art gallery. Just get the consonants around the right way and you’ll be fine.

  1. Schweinefleisch

In English we would try to disguise what we are eating by calling it something quaint like “pork”. Not so in Germany- “our special today is black caviar and fresh garden salad with PIG FLESH”

  1. Apfelsaft

Sounds like it might be the word for limp, flaccid or droopy but in fact is what they call apple juice.

  1. Knoblauch

Pronounced something similar to “knob lock” it sounds excruciatingly painful until you realise it’s just garlic. (As a side note, I once ordered a type of delicious looking sauce with my kebab in Germany. A German colleague said “are you sure? It’s garbage”. I asked him what he meant, but he just kept saying “it is garbage,” so finally I ordered something else. It turned out he had been trying to say it was garlic. Now whenever I go to visit his company we make a point of going out for “garbage kebabs”.)

  1. Botschafter

A Botschafter is not somebody who has sex with automatons. It’s an ambassador, of course! Thanks to reader Phil S for that one.

  1. Ich Liebe Dich

As previously mentioned, when said correctly sounds like you are saying “I will hit you with shovel” or “I will leave you” or “I love Dick”. And if your boyfriend’s name is not Richard that might be a hard one to explain to your parents.

  1. Ihre Mutter säugt Schweine

Said only to an enemy or a very easygoing friend, it means “Your mother suckles pigs” and is thus the most brutal insult known to mankind.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - fluentu.com