TIL that Hannibal Buress is a shitty landlord who forced poor people to move out of a building he bought. Which other celebrities are surprise chuds?

Nah, only insane people do that. Source: Have Bipolar Disorder with some severe manic breaks tied to religion in my history.

My theory on that is prayer is pretty much a form of meditation - quieting oneself and focusing on a ritualistic behavior in the present moment. The couple of people who have needed to pray on things, as far as I can tell, are less listening for an external voice and more trying to get in touch with what's in their own heart and mind, interpreting their own feelings as God's guidance. When someone needs to pray on something, I think what they're actually doing is looking for some time and space to figure out their own feelings about the thing and attributing it to their faith instead of themselves.

So, swap "pray on it" with "meditate on" and it's basically the same thing.

I think. I could be completely wrong.

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