TIL a Harvard study found that hiring one highly productive but toxic worker does more damage to a company’s bottom line than employing several less productive but more cooperative workers.

This is something I have struggled with a lot over the years.

I'm a sensitive, introverted type of person so until I warm up to another person I'm not voluntarily sociable. To warm to a person I need to feel that they're innately kind, that I can talk freely to them and that I am secure knowing that they won't use what I tell them to screw me over or judge me in some way.

But this is a problem for me when dealing with ultra-professional colleagues. Every conversation feels like a formal meeting and I don't get the impression they give a shit about me - they only care about work. Since I can't build any kind of rapport with this kind of person I simply don't like being around them. Even if I don't think they have any bad intent, I just don't sense and good intent either - they are just this cold, uncomfortable middle ground. Basically, they feel like robots to me and I don't like working with soulless automatons. I work a lot better if I like the people I work with.

So, even though my ultra-professional colleagues are cooperative employees, good at their jobs and they seem to be team players, I often struggle to work to my full potential when collaborating with them. Since I don't enjoy working with them, I don't like doing the project work when with them. So I'm not as productive as I could be. Sometimes significantly less and I've been worried I'll get told off for it (fortunately never happened).

I'm not unproductive because I'm lazy or am just taking the piss, I just really struggle to work with people that I am not comfortable with.

I once made the futile effort of trying to discuss this with my boss. He didn't hold it against, which was a relief, but he was thoroughly confused. He was of the opinion that the workplace is purely for work and nothing else entered in to it. He didn't do much to make me more comfortable so I just kept quiet about it and died a bit inside each day until the project was over and I could work with other people.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - tlnt.com