TIL Japan has a sociological phenomena known as Hikikomori, in which there's an estimated 1 million Japanese who choose to completely isolate themselves from society.

I never spoke of government. It's also your responsibility to learn how to treat humans with basic decency. You can't just go to an unemployed person and badger them about how they are a nuisance to society. These issues aren't as simple as teaching someone a skill or giving someone a job. I've witnessed countless people do absolutely nothing all day and make a government salary. They retire with their pension and contribute nothing to society. However, some are keen to spout the vitriol that people such as yourself speak of whenever you please. So please, do yourself a favor and acquire some empathy. You simply don't understand or lack the interest to know what these people are going through. Simplifying their issues and forcing them to work breaks the non-aggression principle. We cannot evolve past this predatory phase of human development if people like think you can funnel more weary souls into the economic engine.

"Food needs to be placed on the table."

That's one way to intimidate a shut-in. You must be proud of repeating such a worn out phrase.

Thank society for law and order and that convenience store by the corner. Go work your office job and never question why it is you can't hunt your game. Stuff your gut full of simple carbohydrates and high fructose corn-syrup. And when someone tries to detail the reality of your systematized lifestyle, you'll retort with more alienating rhetoric.

Never disrespect the simple man. The next crash is coming, and you will pay dearly my boy.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - nationalgeographic.com