TIL Jason Statham almost drowned during the filming of The Expendables 3 when a truck's brakes failed and it plunged into the Black Sea, but survived thanks to being an Olympic-class diver.

Across the Border (1914). On 1 July 1914, while filming on location in Canon City, Colorado, cast member Grace McHugh was filming a scene where her character was crossing the Arkansas River in a boat. When the boat capsized, camera operator Owen Carter immediately jumped into the river to save her. He dragged her onto a sandbar that was actually quicksand. The rest of the film crew watched helplessly as they were sucked into the quicksand and drowned.

The very first one I’ve read in the list I’m already confused, wasn’t it debunked by numerous sources that you cannot be fully submerged in quicksand due to buoyancy? Maybe it did happen and wasn’t quicksand but I’m unaware of anything else with the same characteristics

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