TIL the Jewish religion does not cook/eat meat and dairy together because it is considered cruel to cook an animal in the very milk that was meant to nourish it.

Listen, you’re so close. I am an Orthodox Jew, somewhat sensitive to this.

If it helps, think about conversion. Converting to a religion is a relatively simple process. You learn the belief system, maybe prove your worth, but the key and fundamental aspect is you actually have to believe in it. That’s literally the nature of religion.

To convert to Judaism, belief is secondary. You have to learn the rules, you have to practice the behaviour, you have to actually live in a community, and you have to go before a board of judges and take a test, at which point you have the status of Jew, equal to all other Jews, under Jewish law.

Doesn’t that sound a lot more like gaining citizenship as an immigrant, rather than joining a religious group?:

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