TIL Kenny Omega is Meltzer's highest-rated wrestler of 2017, earning 52.5 stars over 10 matches

Just adding up total stars probably isn't the best way to do it. A guy getting a five star match in a four way or match loaded with stips isn't the same as a guy doing it in a straight singles match. You can be part of a five star match that's got a ton of people in it and it's not indicative of you as a worker at all.

Now, obviously, Kenny's rankings here are probably from singles matches because NJPW still does them, but WWE guys, especially top guys do lots of stip laden matches because of WWE's inability to book compelling singles matches as main events. (5 of 15 ppv main events have featured a straight up singles match with no stips. WWE is way too over reliant on gimmicks)

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