TIL I learned that the United States life expectancy is decreasing.

I get what per capita is. You must not have seen my other comment where I explained what I meant. I'm drawing to the conclusion that the bad areas are in a certain area while the majority of the country has good life expectancy. The averages of the bad places bring down the averages of the good places due to their population.

Like I said before,

If you have 40 cities in your country, and 1 city far away from everyone else has a gun death rate of 300/10,000 people, then it's going to look like the entire country has a severe gun problem and not just the city. Let's say that in the other cities, the gun death rate is around 4/10,000 people. The massive death rate in that one city is going to fuck over the rest and make it look like the entire country has a severe gun problem when it's only one city far away from everything else.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - globaldatalab.org