TIL that the Lone Star Tick of the Eastern United States can give people a meat allergy

Listen here college kid, you may think that "oh by showing people the light of truth they will change their ways. They just need truth!" Look, I may look into this stuff you are selling to know how my actions may and will harm others, but only to enjoy those actions even more and to do them more frequently to ensure more suffering.

However knowing me I'll just fall back into my normal ways and give up trying to make more people suffer once it starts to get boring, and I have better things to do with my time. But, just the knowledge itself that what I normally do can lead to at least one animal being killed is good enough.

So you see, college kid, your idea that you can save the world, that all you need to do is believe and stand your ground won't work. Not only are there those that won't listen, there are those that will work against you because they don't want to save the world. They want to push the world over the edge and see it fall.

As it was stated in the movie The Dark Knight "some men just want to watch the world burn"

Now where do I stand? Im the passive chaotic. I'll enjoy knowing that eating meat causes harm, but I won't go way out of my way to spread it simply because I'm lazy. But knowing it is spreading suffering is good enough.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org