TIL that male prisoners target female prison employees they perceive as unattractive, overweight or sexually frustrated for seduction and smuggling

I worked as a librarian in a maximum security prison. I had to go through 4 weeks of training that was pretty expansive. This is something they pound into your head over and over again; don't sleep with inmates.

I thought the number of times they told us was excessive, it seemed like common sense. They go over how much trouble you'll get into. You won't just be fired, you'll be charged and most likely end up on the sex offender registry for the rest of your life.

Then I started work, and it seemed like every week someone was being walked out in handcuffs after being caught having sex. Mostly it was the nurses, but a good number of COs as well. One lady while I was there got pregnant by an inmate. That was a mess.

I'm a female and got hit on constantly. I had guys who would masturbate in the library while staring at me. My coworker and I would walk around the yards to take material to the dorms and guys would stand at the windows and masturbate. I don't see how anyone can consider it flattering. These guys have been locked up for a long time, they will hit on anyone and anything.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - theconversation.com