TIL that a man who committed suicide by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge had left a suicide note that read "I'm going to walk to the bridge. If one person smiles at me on the way, I won't jump."

I lived for years with excruciating tooth pain.

I didn't have any insurance and was still under water after getting ripped off by Castle Dental for some "minor work" and my wisdom teeth were doing horrible things to back of my regular molars. They eventually just started disintegrating because I couldn't get them removed or effectively clean between or behind them.

My experience is the opposite. I actually got used to it, to the point where I didn't even realize how much pain I was in every day. It was just my normal state of being. Biting into something and feeling a chunk of tooth come off just meant I'd need to be careful on that side of my mouth until the jagged edge wore down a bit.

Of course after removal and fixing the rest of the stuff wrong in my mouth it became clear because I didn't even realize what life without constant, nagging pain felt like. It was like when Dorothy entered Munchkinland and everything went Technicolor.

But still. Can't relate to this guy at all. Even on my worst day I wouldn't have considered killing myself.

Now, I also had migraines for most of my youth (until I was about 25, then they just...went away). Those? Those will make you contemplate suicide so seriously that if you could physically move to accomplish it, you would. But luckily, you can't.

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