TIL many African countries are against the importation of second hand clothes as it's destroying their local textiles industry

assuming that agriculture is identical in both countries is stupid and dangerous

Nearly every country in the world to have endured long term environmentally deleterious agricultural practices. Nearly every country has "greedy businesses", yet commercial farms are capable of making long term investments in the land to preserve productivity and have been doing so in some places for millenia.

If anything your mentality is dangerous. Imagine if your friend was an alcoholic, would you enable their addiction? Would you say "you're not doing anything wrong drinking 10 beers a day, all your problems are due to your abusive father when you were little"?

Haiti is an exception in some way, not compared to America, compared to their peers, notably their neighbor, compared to any reasonable standard. If you can't face this then you will have nothing good to bring to the discussion, you will sit with the denialists while the proportion of "bigots" who have decided what makes Haiti an exception sit with the realists.

I am convinced a open economy and a fight against corruption is what is best for Haiti. It will be painful but few things in real life are nothing but good for everyone. Of course people who lose business to foreign competition will suffer and should be helped, however they have no right to deny their neighbor to buy cheaper goods and have more money to spend on development. That seems to be what is happening now anyway.

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