TIL that a "megalopolis" is an area of contiguous urbanization comprised of multiple cities, and that the three largest in Europe are named "Golden Banana", "Green Banana", and "Blue Banana"

Lol, how very /r/IAmVerySmart.

Fact: You know nothing about me, and the ability to read a user name and perform a simple calculation (that isn't even true, the 1991 bit is a year, but not the year I was born) doesn't mean you know anything substantial about me. And if you think it does, you're a fucking idiot.

You have no idea how thick my skin is, or how thin it is, and, in a manner of presenting how thick my skin is - I still don't give a fuck about your opinions.

But, well done, you're only the third person to target the fact I am aspiring to be an author in your comment because you lack the intellect to present a coherent response to my valid point.

Anyway, I'm bored of you. Bye.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org