TIL More Soviet Civilians died during the Siege of Leningrad (650,000) than British(383,700) and French(210,000) Military Casualties combined during WWII

How many countries traded with Germany that they weren't technically allied with -- Sweden ? Almost everyone except Russia joined the Tripartite Pact. But Russia had the non-aggression pact, joined in carving up Poland, agreed to the spheres of influence, and by 1940 supplied Germany with 66% of all phosphorous imports, 63% of Chrome imports, 55% of magnanese imports, and 33% of oil imports. As far as I know, generally, other countries did trade with Germany but were more or less for one or two things and not as large of an individual share as this.

I get that the "alliance" was a matter of convenience for both and that both expected to fight and never joined by a treaty/pact. So, yeah, they weren't allies in the sense that Britain and the US were. My only point was the relationship was more than just the spheres of influence and the non-aggression treaty.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org