TIL the movie "Paranormal Activity" had a budget of only $15,000 but made $194 million. During the screening, people were walking out that one studio executive thought the film was bombing. They later learned that the viewers were actually leaving because they were too frightened.

Fair enough, I'll elaborate.

This guy posts, "Scary? I was bored.", at a time when this thread had about 40 comments on it. He was pretty much the ONLY dissenting opinion. At the time, it just screamed, "I'm a fucking cool guy.", so I made my comment.

Then I get megaswampbert replying to me with an explanation that wasn't warranted by my comment. I made no statement about the guy's opinion of the movie, just commented a subreddit that generally acts as a vehicle for, "that was a douchey comment, buddy." Given that, his comment was completely misplaced and unnecessary. Add to that, the way he replied, and the time frame in which he replied, felt a lot like someone who uses Apollo to switch between multiple accounts.

In hindsight, I'm likely wrong about the same user, different accounts allegation, but I don't see how I seem confused to anyone. Douche post > douche reply > random reply from a different user who clearly read too far into my comment > somehow I'm confused?

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org