TIL that New Hampshire is the only state with no adult seatbelt laws. Seatbelts are only required for minors ages 17 and under in that state. According to 2017 data from the U.S. Department of Transportation, it also had the lowest percentage of seatbelt useage among the 50 states, at just 67.6%.

Before I say anything else, I am a paramedic with over 15 years of experience. I’ve seen A LOT of bad shit! I’m a seatbelt wearer because I play the odds. A seatbelt is going to help you in most cases. However, there are some cases when the seatbelt hurts you. My dad was in a wreck when he was 20 years old that would’ve killed him if he had been wearing his seatbelt. So I wouldn’t even exist if he was wearing his seatbelt. My life partner is another example. He was in an extremely bad accident 22 years ago. He was thrown through the front windshield 45 feet from his vehicle. A tractor trailer came over on top of him on the interstate. He’s a paraplegic. However, he would be dead if he would’ve been wearing his seatbelt. I’ve been to countless doctors appointments with him. I’ve heard the doctors say that he’d be dead if he wasn’t wearing it. I’ve actually had some people say to me shit like “If it was me, I would wish that it DID kill me because I ain’t gonna be in a wheelchair!” That’s when the beast is unleashed! I’ve actually gotten in fights with grown ass males who make stupid ass comments like that. And I’m a 5’5” 110 pound female.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org