TIL newborn babies shouldn’t drink plain water because it can lead to brain swelling and even death.

Yep! Some kids won't or can't latch as well. My mom had the opposite problem, too much milk, and told me it was like trying to suck on a blown up balloon. Not happening, nothing there to latch onto. She couldn't pump either so they just had to give her dry up pills and I had formula. I wouldn't be here today had it not been for formula existing, and that's the case for a lot of babies.

Also, adoptive and foster parents- I'm not going to suddenly have breastmilk just because I adopt a baby lol.

Fed is best- don't shame people who can't breastfeed. It only harms babies, anyway, you're not teaching some lazy degenerate a lesson or whatever the goal is. Formula saves lives.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - ebmd.com