TIL North-Korea has its own operating system called "Red Star OS" based on Linux. The administrator user is disabled, media files copied from the OS are watermarked with the hard drive's serial number and the "virus scanner" automatically deletes censored files.

I don't think that's how it works, but if blaming your political enemies for generic problems makes you feel good whatever I guess.

Leftist governments like the UK government and US cultural institutions have been cracking down on sexual expression that they don't like. Hell, just look at all the strangely aggressive hate on kids, being married and not having sex until you're married, and having more than one kid gets on reddit.

The only difference between the left and the right when it comes to sexuality is that they have different "icky" things they want to outlaw. You just happen to like the people that control your technological and cultural institutions right now. Since it's a different story in Korea, you automatically think it's bad.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org