TIL Norway has a sovereign wealth fund to the value of over $1 Trillion USD which includes 1.3% of global stocks and shares, it is primarily funded by the profits of the Norwegian petroleum sector. In total the fund has a value of over $180,000 per Norwegian resident.

The money in the oil fund has come into being through a straw stuck into the water and can not be placed in Norway for fear of inflation.

"To invest any of it in Norway would mean introducing a constant stream of new money into our own economy."

The social security trust fund however is based on money that is gathered inn from salaries. Money that already was in the Norwegian market before it ended in the fund. This is why the investments are kept within Norway (85%) and placed in stocks so that the money flow back into the market. If the money was horded or placed outside of Norway we would have created a deflation.

"To invest any of it outside of Norway would mean extracting a constant stream of money out of our own economy."

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org