TIL that in the novel “No Country for Old Men,” set in 1980, Sheriff Bell refers to dope dealers who “shot and killed a federal judge” in San Antonio. The film version stars Woody Harrelson, whose father was the real-life contract killer convicted of that murder in 1979.

The flm is Amazing- when I watched it shortly after release, it took quite a few more viewings to really get what the film what about (which the Conan brothers intended). I then read the novel and became a bit obsessed- I read the book so many times with my first copy, it fell apart and I had to buy another.

(SPOILER WARNING) Chigurgh was just a hitman known by both the Americans (who were buying the Heroin) and the Mexicans (who were Delivering said heroin). He decided both parties were incompetant, and that'd he'd recover the money himself, which he eventually does. What the film does not show, which the novel does, is that Chigurgh finds the investor (the guy who put all the money into the drug deal) and brings his money back. The man (a businessman in the petroleum industry) is initially shocked but asks Chigurh his intentions, and it is revealed that Chigurh wants to get into business with the investor.

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