TIL One in six men have experienced an abusive sexual relationship before the age of 18

Easily. Happens all the time. I got kicked out of a residential school, because I woke up to find my room mate sleep walking and fondling me, under my covers. I put him back in bed, and slept in the rec room for the rest of the night. I didn't put it on him, I didn't try to be an ass, but I was a 16 year old kid who was really shaken up. Went to my parents and the school counselor about it, not trying to get anyone in trouble, just freaking and needing help. I got kicked out, since they had had minor issues with me prior and the counselor said that I was making it up and would say anything to damage the school's reputation. My parents agreed. So, I got walked back to my room to pack my shit up and get kicked. My parents sent me to one shrink, not for the trauma, but to figure out why I was fucking up so much. For an hour I sat with my parents and a stranger, while she tore me down and filleted and mutilated my personality, after speaking with me for all of 10 minutes. She told them I was smart enough to manipulate them and whoever I needed to to get my way. I never went back, I never spoke to my parents about it again. I spent the next 2 years a husk of the former kid that I was. I had (and still do) some serious issues trusting my own version of reality in my day to day life, sometimes I wonder if something that happens really happened. I've been in several abusive relationships with women who have left me with claw marks on my face, where they tried to claw my eyes out, for being on the computer for too long. One who was a complete narcissist who used my issues with reality to constantly 'keep me in line' mentally and emotionally. I live alone and have issues trusting anyone, but my cats, and I keep an eye on those little bastards too. My current psychologist says that's fairly normal for someone like me, but I if I keep working, maybe I can overcome some of my trust problems.

So, yeah, people downplay shit all the time. My story isn't even that big or bad, there are plenty that've had it worse and still had it normalized.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - 1in6.org