TIL only 14.5% of adult men are 6’0 and over, but comprise 58% of Fortune 500 CEOs. Only 3.9% are 6’2+, but comprise 30% of Fortune 500 CEOs.

I've said this about tall guys too (adding it up, since you only mentioned tall GIRLS, and SHORT guys). We also get mocked, get bullied and such. Maybe not as much physically, but still get bullied. I've heard some bizarre shit while walking on the streets, even by full grown adults.

People for some reason think it's ok to mock tall people. Similarly to why there's a lot of people being racists against Asians (even bigger now during pandemic).

I once said this in a class group talking about prejudice and such, since a few others were talking about situations they felt disrespected... From what i remember, no one gave a shit about me and what i said. No one laughed, but also didn't give a shit too. I'm not putting prejudice against tall/short people on the same level of racism, ofc, but it's still prejudice and it has a lot of negative psychological effects on people, specially during childhood/teenage>

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - economictimes.com