TIL that over 90% of the planet's coal is from the 'carboniferous' era. An era that had evolved trees, but not anything to break them down. Trees died, fell down, and piled on top of each other eventually compressing all the trapped carbon into coal.

I was gonna say "wow what a nitpicky cunt what was the point of writing all that" but then I went back through the thread to get a better grasp on the situation and this is a pretty A1 comment. The commas are definitely what caused all the confusion here and removing them probably couldn't prevented this from transpiring.

Weird how careful you have to be when communicating through text and text alone, the smallest things, like a couple extra commas, can completely derail your attempt to convey a thought or idea well enough for a listener to understand with zero miscommunications occurring.

Written language is cool but fucking hell it's finnicky when you're trying to say something more complex than "I want a red apple".

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - nationalgeographic.com