TIL a pedophile in Thailand posted a picture of himself with a swirl effect on his face, allowing the Interpol to unswirl the image back and arrest him

Dwaine Little raped and murdered a 16 year old girl. 10 years later he was granted parole, the same year that a family of 4 went missing while camping. He was never convicted of their murders...but he was convicted for raping and killing a pregnant hitchhiker 3 years later.

Robert Lee Massie went on a crime spree which ended in him murdering a person. He did 13 years, a year later he murdered again.

John Miller, age 15, beat a 22 month old baby to death. Released after 2 years, shot and kill both his parents.

Edmund Kemper, shot and killed his grandmother, stabbed her multiple times after death. Then his grandfather got home he shot him. He was paroled after 5 years and killed 8 women. He wouldn't have been caught (he had an IQ of 145), but he turned himself in.

John McRae cut the throat and genitals of an 8 year old. Had his sentence commuted and went on to brutally murder 4 more boys.

Jimmy Lee Gray cut the throat of his 16 year old girlfriend. He was granted parole 6 years later, at which time he kidnapped, sodomized, and killed a 3 year old.

Arthur Shawcross, raped and killed an 8 year old and ten year old at two separate times. He was convicted and did 15 years. 2 years after release he was convicted of 11 murders committed after his release.

Timothy Buss raped and murdered a 5 year old girl. He did 12 years, 2 years after he was released he raped, murdered, and mutilated a 10 year old boy. He was sentenced to death, had his death sentence commuted to life and has motions underway to grant him parole.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org