TIL that people who attempted suicide have a shorter life expectancy by 11 years for women and 18 for men, and it’s surprisingly largely due to non-psychiatric disease

Ten years ago I was so depressed I constantly thought of killing myself. I couldn’t do the simplest task without imagining suicidal situations. I saw myself hanging from the trees every time I looked out the window. I was constantly self harming and self medicating to the point I would wake up three days later. I eventually went in-patient, started proper medications (I’ve taken about every anti-depressant, mood stabilizer, and anxiety med out there), and did months of counseling and CBT. My mom didn’t understand and kept telling me just to snap out of it and be happy.

I’ve had to take the odd few months of antidepressants and start up therapy a few times since then, but I’m mostly stable now. I’m glad I’m still alive, and I don’t get those compulsive thoughts constantly. Depression is a medical condition and can be treated.

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